BOCH Coffee
Better coffee through science
BOCH Coffee
Better coffee through science
Better coffee through science
Better coffee through science
Seems to be everyones favorite, I sell more of this than any other
50% Med/Dk Colombian
50% Dark Sumatra
a mellow acidity and a strong caramel sweetness, perhaps with a nutty undertone. Sweet and medium-bodied, they have the most recognizable coffee flavor to most North Americans.
Brazil natural—have a pronounced peanut quality and heavy body that makes them common components in espresso blends. Chocolate and some spice is typical, and the coffees tend to linger
smoky and toasted flavors present in the cup. has a stouty like complexity that is both savory and herbaceous, and a long, lasting finish that feels like very dark or unsweetened cocoa.
often express jasmine or lemongrass characteristics, and are lighter and drier on the palate.
50% Colombian
40% Ethiopian Yirgacheffe
10% Kenya AA
Secret blend made for my daughter Amber (the Llama)
We want you to experience your perfect cup of coffee. We will work with you to find your ultimate roast and blend. If you order 10lbs over time we will even let you name it.
just like Amazon, choose what you want and it will be automatically arrive at your door every month. Cancel or change your order anytime
Upon request, but whole bean stays fresher, longer. Get a bean grinder
I use the post office and 3lb of coffee at a time is the most economical rate.
Better coffee through science